September 19th, 2007 – The Meeting

Today after morning prayer, Mass, and breakfast Br. Daniel and I drove to the Skills Centre where many young men would be taking their placement exams. The weather looked bad and we knew that rain was imminent, but nothing could dampen my spirits. It was so wonderful to see all these things that we had planned in the past actually happening. All those meetings for HCSC with just Griff, Brenda, and I in little V-195 at HCC are now paying off.

We arrived at the Centre to find a small group of young men gathered around the front gates waiting to enter and begin taking their test. I walked with Br. Daniel to his office where we both sat down, I made some notes regarding my syllabus and he organizing his desk.

Before long many people were popping their heads in and out of the office. Some young men seeking directions to the classroom where they would take their test as well as some of the other teachers. Eventually the familiar faces of Br. Kenneth, Br. David, and Br. Patrick came into view. Warm greetings and small talk followed their arrivals.

After doing some small paper work for the Brothers I was able to sit down with Br. Patrick and Br. Daniel to discuss what exactly they wanted me to do in the classroom. First, I discussed what I wanted to do in the English class. What I broke everything down to goes like this:

What are the goals to be achieved:

- Educate hearts and minds.(Naturally)

- Improve use of the English language

- Introduce liberal arts education

- Hone special skills ( I hope this sounds familiar to some of you reading this.)

How to accomplish these goals:

- Problem-posing education

Why are you here?

What is learning?

What do you want to accomplish?

What do you stand for?

Who are you?

How do you intend on accomplishing your goals?

- Assignments

o Essay / letter writing

o Paraphrasing / summaries

o Grammar / Vocabulary building

- Projects

o History of Ghana paper

o “Know yourself” paper

o Personal statement paper

o Creative stories

o Oral reports

- Activities

o Newspaper analysis

o Q & A sessions

o Journaling / Observation writing

o World News Updates/ discussions

It is easy for some of you to see that I very unoriginally borrowed many of the ideas from the HCC curriculum. Of course, I will have to adjust it. I know that the boys will have difficulty understanding all of my English let alone my American accent. Br. Daniel told me that many of the boys will not understand and often times they will not admit that they don’t understand and just let things move on. This can present quite a problem to a problem-posing education! In those difficult times I pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire me to say the right things and inspire my students to speak up.

Overall, they were pleased with what I had drawn up and indeed it was quite similar to what Br. Patrick had been doing in the past. Funny since I hadn’t really even discussed content with him before! I also found out that I would be teaching a Moral Education course, which will address the religious, moral, and social development aspect of a Holy Cross education, truly holistic even at a skills centre!

In the end it was decided that I would teach the second and third year students English and teach Moral Education to the first years; while Br. Patrick will teach English to the first years and Moral Education to the second and third year students. What further I can do at Skills will be determined after the beginning of the term at the beginning of October. I can already see that I will have some extra time during my days for other work besides class preparation.

Things are really beginning to take form inside and out.


Anonymous said...

You are doing amazing things, Jay. I know that many are reading your blog entries and not leaving comments, so don't feel no one is out there. And you other readers, how about stepping up to comment?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

Everyone is reading your blogs with great interest, Jay. Especially me! Your description of the Beatification Mass was beautiful beyond words. I felt as if I had been there. What a joy it is for the Holy Cross Congregations!
I think I see the makings of a great book here.

The thoughts and prayers of many are with you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

I read your blog consistently and I'm amazed by the great things that you are doing... I realize you have only just begun! I am going to have a group of Marian High School students, Dr. Devetsky, and hopefully some of the HC students to my house tomorrow night to share our Ghana experience. I am hoping Brother Paul will be able to attend as well. I will be referring the Marian students to the blog to follow your experience with you. We are all enthusiastically anticipating your next entry!!!
May God be with you as continue your journey.

Janie Reese

Anonymous said...

I just discovered that you have been posting to the blog. I will now check it daily. You have written some wonderful things here. I'm sure you will have quite the extensive journal at the end of this year. Keep up the good work. FYI. Word 2007 does not show up on blog. I have trouble opening your updates also. Try saving in .doc format instead of 2007 default. There is a lot of random code on your cut and paste. I look forward to reading the next chapter of your journey. May the peace of Christ Jesus always be with you.

Anonymous said...

To Jay's readers:
Jay currently has no online access in Sekondi. He is doing well. He began teaching on Wednesday, 10/3.

Jay's Mom